JUNE 6, 2023

Mr. Metropoulos, chairman of Metropoulos & Company is a highly recognized and respected private equity investor having earned consistent top tier investment returns across 82 acquisitions during a 30 year investment career.  Highly sought after as a partner and co-investor by other international private equity firms, sovereign funds as well as international banks, his firm has acquired businesses in the U.S., Europe, Canada and Mexico.

Mr. Metropoulos and his wife, Marianne, have been actively involved in supporting many Greek American organizations as well as numerous charities that support causes around the world.  Metropoulos’ international reputation and well known Greek heritage act as a catalyst to attracting external investments in Greece, and, it is Mr. Metropoulos’ hope to promote and encourage changes in the transparency, the streamlining of the bureaucracy and legal system and the creation of “internationally modeled” valuations and partnerships in order to attract global capital and move Greece’s economy forward.  According to Mr. Metropoulos,

“the talent and capabilities of Greek business leaders in Greece and throughout the world, is a unique and powerful opportunity that can transform Greece into a successful participant in this exciting generation of technology, international investments and globally transforming businesses.  We all have a vested interest in helping our ancestral and beloved Greece as we encourage its transformation into this exciting generation of opportunities.”